Supply and Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers throughout Wollongong

Providing fire extinguishers is a crucial step in ensuring fire safety in any building.

Fire extinguishers are effective in putting out small fires before they escalate and cause extensive damage. The type of fire extinguisher required may vary depending on the type of fire risk present, and it is important to ensure that the appropriate extinguisher is selected for each specific application.

Our expert techncians have the knowlege and experience to advise on fire extinguisher type, placement and servicing.

Fire Extinguishers

Types of fire extinguishers:

  • Water (Type A): Suitable for ordinary combustibles, such as wood, paper, and textiles.
  • Foam (Type A and B): Effective fires caused by flammable liquids and solids.
  • Powder (Type A, B, C, and E): Used for fires involving flammable liquids, gases, and electrical equipment.
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) (Type E): Effective in extinguishing electrical fires and flammable liquids.
  • Wet chemical (Type F): Specifically designed for extinguishing fires caused by cooking oils and fats.

How often should a fire extinguisher be tested?

It's essential to ensure that all fire extinguisher testing and maintenance is carried out by a licensed technician to ensure compliance with Australian standards and maintain the effectiveness of the extinguisher.

To comply with standard AS 1851-2012, routine servicing is required with fire extinguishers to be inspected every six months for damage, loss of pressure, accessibility and to check that the correct type of extinguisher is installed for the operating environment.

Every 5 years fire extinguishers are required to have a pressure test carried out on the cylinder. At this time it may be more cost effective to have the extinguishers replaced.

Get Started With Us Today.

If you're looking for fire prevention servicing or installation, we've got you covered. Ensure you're keeping yourself, your family or co-workers safe with O2 Fire. Click the button below or call 0405 404 099 to enquire about a free online consultation today.

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