Wollongong's leading supplier, Installation & servicing of Smoke Alarms.

Smoke alarms are devices designed to detect the presence of smoke in the air and emit a loud, audible alarm to alert people in the area to the potential presence of a fire.

They are typically installed in homes, apartments, and commercial buildings, and are an essential safety feature to help prevent fire-related injuries and fatalities.

O2 Fire can supply and install smoke alarms in your home or buiness and make sure your property is compliant with government regulations.

Smoke Alarms

Types of Smoke Alarms:

  • Ionization Smoke Alarms: These contain a small amount of radioactive material that ionizes the air inside the alarm. When smoke enters the alarm, it disrupts the ionization process, triggering the alarm to sound. Ionization smoke alarms are more sensitive to fast-burning fires that produce small smoke particles, such as those from burning paper or flammable liquids.
  • Photoelectric Smoke Alarms: These use a light source and a photosensitive sensor to detect smoke. When smoke enters the alarm, it scatters the light beam, which triggers the sensor to detect the presence of smoke and sound the alarm. Photoelectric smoke alarms are more sensitive to slow-burning fires that produce larger smoke particles, such as those from burning furniture or clothing.

Smoke Alarm Compliance and Maintenance

Smoke alarm compliance requirements vary depending on the type of property, such as residential, commercial or rental properties.

Smoke alarms must be tested regularly and maintained in working order. Landlords are required to have smoke alarms inspected and serviced by a licensed electrician every year. Non-compliance can result in fines and penalties, as well as increased risk of fire-related injuries or fatalities.

Get Started With Us Today.

If you're looking for fire prevention servicing or installation, we've got you covered. Ensure you're keeping yourself, your family or co-workers safe with O2 Fire. Click the button below or call 0405 404 099 to enquire about a free online consultation today.

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